Giving you the overdose on celebrity know you want it!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fill In The Blank

Fill In The Blank
When I look at this image of a Cuban flag with Che Guevara's face imposed on it inside the Houston campaign office of Barack Obama, my first thought is __________.


When I look at this image of a Cuban flag with Che Guevara's face imposed on it inside the Houston campaign office of Barack Obama, my first thought is __________.

O.J.'s Girlfriend: Hospitalization Due To Assault?
Oh, shiz! O.J. Simpson's girlfriend, Christie Prody, was hospitalized with head injuries this week and those injuries are consistent with assault, not a fall, the National Enquirer is reporting. They were the ones that first broke the news of the hospitalization. Simpson contends that Prody was drunk and fell, causing her injuries, but cops aren't convinced and [...]


Oh, shiz!

O.J. Simpson's girlfriend, Christie Prody, was hospitalized with head injuries this week and those injuries are consistent with assault, not a fall, the National Enquirer is reporting. They were the ones that first broke the news of the hospitalization.

Simpson contends that Prody was drunk and fell, causing her injuries, but cops aren't convinced and insiders are saying otherwise.

Christie may be facing brain surgery.

O.J. has been given so many chances. If he did this, he needs to fry!

[Image via WENN.]

Lindsay Stops for Traffic School
Lindsay Lohan is spotted leaving traffic school, which the actress must attend as part of her 2007 DUI plea agreement.

How Do We Say This Delicately???
Lauren Conrad is going to be showing off hew new collection at L.A. Fashion Week later this month, it's just been announced. L.A. Fashion Week is a joke! We hope she improves her "designs." It might also be a good idea if she didn't charge $135 or more for these basic dresses!


Lauren Conrad is going to be showing off hew new collection at L.A. Fashion Week later this month, it's just been announced.

L.A. Fashion Week is a joke!

We hope she improves her "designs."

It might also be a good idea if she didn't charge $135 or more for these basic dresses!

Senior Citizens Can Be Badass Too?!?!
It has arrived! Click here to watch the trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Does the film look promising? Yes No View Results Does the film look promising? No (15%) Yes (85%) Total Votes: 23,533 Vote if(document.getElementById("polls-20-pollvote")!=undefined) {if( readCookie("voted_20")==null) { document.getElementById("polls-20-pollresult").style.display="none";} else {document.getElementById("polls-20-pollvote").style.display="none";document.getElementById("poll-votebutton-20").style.display="none";} } �Loading …

It has arrived!

Click here to watch the trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Does the film look promising?

View Results

Does the film look promising?

  • No (15%)
  • Yes (85%)

Total Votes: 23,533

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Spotted: Paparazzo butt boy Adnan Ghalib paying Brit Brit another Jamie Spears-approved visit on Wednesday. Osama must be devastated!

Spotted: Paparazzo butt boy Adnan Ghalib paying Brit Brit another Jamie Spears-approved visit on Wednesday. Osama must be devastated!

Jane Fonda uses vulgar slang on 'Today'
AP - NBC News is apologizing again — this time for Jane Fonda.

Baby Talk: Fergie Denies, Uma & Gwyneth Imply
Baby Talk: Fergie Denies, Uma & Gwyneth Imply

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