Giving you the overdose on celebrity know you want it!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

She's In and She's Out!!!

She's In and She's Out!!!
Britney just left the court house!!! No explanation why. Yet. She was there less than 30 minutes and it's not clear if she even went inside the court room where her bitter baby battle is going on. Earlier today, an LAPD officer testified about Unfitney's meltdown earlier this month. Hopefully Spears will feel the repercussions of her actions and [...]


Britney just left the court house!!!

No explanation why. Yet.

She was there less than 30 minutes and it's not clear if she even went inside the court room where her bitter baby battle is going on.

Earlier today, an LAPD officer testified about Unfitney's meltdown earlier this month.

Hopefully Spears will feel the repercussions of her actions and not get celebrity justice.

She better not be allowed to see those kids!

[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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